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Beyond Talent Trends: Pioneering Progress Through Emerging Tech & Innovation

Sept. 10 - 11, 2024 | Virtual • The live event has now concluded. Watch On-Demand!

Chief Talent Officer invites you to join us for our inaugural 2-day event, Beyond Talent Trends: Pioneering Progress Through Emerging Tech & Innovation, a must-attend conference for chief talent officers, SVPs and EVPs of talent management and adjacent roles in the talent space who are currently navigating the complexities of the modern workforce.

Day 2 Keynote Milana Hogan

Amid ongoing flux in remote and hybrid work arrangements and integration of AI and emerging technologies, talent leaders are challenged to rethink traditional approaches to talent management. Discussions at the event will explore the shift toward skills-based approaches, enabling organizations to better align talent with evolving business needs and foster career growth through comprehensive career mapping initiatives and internal talent marketplaces. Additionally, sessions will delve into the critical role of change management and resilience in adapting to technological disruptions and remote work dynamics, ensuring organizations remain agile and competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Take part in conversations on pressing topics such as diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, as talent leaders grapple with reevaluating its prioritization amid changing organizational climates, emphasizing the ongoing need to address systemic inequities in the workplace. Leaders will also examine the resurgence of leadership development initiatives post-COVID, leveraging immersive technologies like VR to provide employees with holistic wellness support and opportunities for career advancement, and fostering a resilient and future-ready workforce.

Join us for this event comprising exciting and timely discussions and explorations of the most top-of-mind issues in talent management today.

Presented by: Chief Talent Officer, formerly known as Talent Management.

2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit Registration


Save $500 with The Introductory Rate - $195

Members Save!

Current CXO+ Members: The attendance fee for this event is included in your membership fee. Registration is complimentary.

Not a member yet? Bundle pricing on an annual membership and registration for this event are available. Learn more here.


Day 1: Sept. 10, 2024

12:30 PM - 4:30 PM CDT

Exclusive Session for Chief Talent Officers: Collaborating on Commonalities

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM CDT

As the landscape of talent management rapidly transforms, chief talent officers are adapting to emerging trends and challenges, navigating the complexities of a dynamic workforce landscape and driving strategic initiatives to attract, develop and retain top talent, all with the business bottom line in mind. 

For this special session, exclusive to chief talent officers and equivalent roles, we want to hear from you! What is your biggest concern for 2024 and beyond? What is most top of mind for you as we navigate the current landscape? 

We invite you to submit a question or talking point to be considered for discussion during this insightful and candid session among our panel of chief talent officers.

Catherine-Hebert Catherine Hébert
Chief Talent Officer


heun_headshot_062619_edit John Heun
Chief Talent Officer
GXO Logistics, Inc.


Rasmussen_Head_Shot Michelle Rasmussen
Corporate Director Human Resources
Miller Integrated Solutions


Welcome Address

1:00 PM CDT

Kick off the day with a rousing welcome address, priming attendees for the cutting-edge dialogues ahead.


Ashley St. John
Chief Content Officer, Editor in Chief
BetterWork Media Group

Keynote Address - Talent, the Science and the Art – The Practical Application of Both our Heads and our Hearts

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT

As we venture beyond talent trends, success will require more than just a surface-level understanding. It will take the analytical precision of an astronomer, the creative vision of a sculptor, the meticulous attention to detail of a clockmaker and the adventurous spirit of a pioneer – all just to chart a course ahead!

Fortunately, we have a wealth of scientific research in talent acquisition, development and performance to guide us. Equally important are the insights of experienced practitioners who balance the strategic needs of their organizations with the aspirations of their talent communities.

In this session, we will explore the critical intersections and productive tensions that emerge when our goal is to optimize organizational success through our talent toolkits, offering participants a deeper understanding of navigating these complexities successfully, leveraging their heads and hearts.


Adam Headshot Adam Hopewell
Global Head of HR & Talent

Talent Sprint - Thriving Through Change: Building Resilient Talent

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT

In this Talent Sprint, we’ll explore the strategies and practices essential for fostering organizational and individual resilience in the face of unprecedented change. Our presenters will discuss aligning talent strategies with evolving technological landscapes, leveraging AI in talent management processes and adapting to the challenges and opportunities of remote work environments.

During these back-to-back, TED-talk-style, 20-minute presentations, we'll learn how to cultivate a culture of adaptability and build a workforce equipped to thrive amid ongoing transformation.


  • Leveraging AI in talent management processes and adapting to the challenges and opportunities of remote work environments
  • Cultivating a culture of adaptability
  • Practices for building resilience among a change-fatigued workforce

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM CDT - FASTtalk: Coach. Everyone.

For over a decade now, employees have been asking their employers to offer them more career development opportunities to help them build resilience. While frustration has abounded on what this even means — HR organizations have provided employees access to learning content, mentoring, networking, skilling, reward programs, etc., to satisfy these needs — employees are still clamoring for this. This session will focus on why we believe making 1:1 coaching available to everyone is the answer to those career development desires — helping you build greater organizational resilience. And it needn't break the bank! This 1:1 development meets employees where they are and can center around whatever they want — personal or professional — which will unlock the success of all employees in your organization, driving greater resilience throughout. There are ways to do this that drive tangible ROI... and are more affordable than you think.


Copy of Chris Harrington headshotChris Harrisgton
SVP, Customer Success
Randstad RiseSmart

2:20 PM - 2:40 PM CDT - FASTtalk: Optimizing Human Potential: Neuroscientific Insights for Resilient and Adaptive Teams

In this presentation, Kylie Ensrud will explore how understanding the human brain can optimize potential in the workplace, fostering teams that are adaptable and resilient in the face of change. She will introduce key neuroscientific concepts such as neuroplasticity and the Yerkes-Dodson Law, highlighting their relevance to learning and performance. Ensrud will delve into practical applications, including fostering a growth mindset, continuous learning, emotional regulation and the importance of social connections. Attendees are provided with actionable strategies to create psychologically safe environments, leverage cognitive diversity and offer effective feedback and recognition. Using real-world examples, she will illustrate the successful application of these principles, allowing attendees to harness these insights to build high-performing, resilient teams.


Untitled design (1) Dr. Kylie Ensrud, Ed.D, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CPCO
Chief People Officer

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM CDT - FASTtalk: From Resistance to Resilience: Using Marketing Strategies to Win Hearts and Drive Change

In this session, Loren Blandon reveals how HR can tap into the marketing playbook to create a truly agile and resilient workforce. Drawing from the strategies that drive the world’s most adaptive consumer brands, Loren will show talent and HR leaders how to rethink change management through a customer experience lens. By applying the fundamentals of CX and brand strategy to understand employee motivations, behaviors and unique journeys, our teams can build a culture of resilience that thrives in the face of constant change. Expect fresh, actionable insights that will help you boost engagement and buy-in and design a workforce that's not just surviving, but evolving with the demands of a rapidly shifting business landscape.


Loren Blandon headshotLoren Blandon
Global Head of Organizational Development

Talent Sprint - Roundtable Discussion

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM CDT

All FASTtalk presenters will convene on stage for an insightful roundtable discussion, offering a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing perspectives and engaging in thoughtful discourse. Through this collaborative dialogue, they'll inspire, inform and provoke meaningful reflection among the audience, fostering a deeper understanding of the session topic, Thriving Through Change: Building Resilient Talent.


Copy of Chris Harrington headshot Chris Harrington
SVP, Customer Success
Randstad RiseSmart


Untitled design (1) Dr. Kylie Ensrud, Ed.D, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CPCO
Chief People Officer


Loren Blandon headshot Loren Blandon
Global Head of Organizational Development



Panel Discussion - Beyond Titles: Embracing The Skills Revolution

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CDT

Join us for a thought-provoking panel discussion exploring the transformative shift from focusing on traditional job titles toward a skills-based paradigm. Our panel of experts will explore what that journey can look like, as well as the advantages, challenges and implications of prioritizing skills over job titles in talent acquisition and development. Gain valuable insights into how organizations are redefining talent pipelines, embracing agile workforce models and fostering a culture of continuous learning to adapt to the rapidly evolving demands of the modern workplace.


  • From titles to skills: What does the transition entail?
  • Advantages, challenges and implications of prioritizing skills over job titles
  • The effect of the “Skills Revolution” on the field of talent management


Doringo.Lowell.Headshot3 Lowell Doringo
  Director of Leadership Learning & Development
  CrowdStrike Inc.



APatterson Ashley Patterson
  AVP-Enterprise Training & Talent Management
  Grange Insurance


britt b Britton Bloch
  Vice President, Talent Acquisition Strategy & Recruiting
  Navy Federal Credit Union


Untitled design (1) Haley Harbaugh
Director, Learning and Education
Bloom Healthcare


Day 2: Sept. 11, 2024

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT

Welcome Address

10:00 AM CDT

Kick off the day with a rousing welcome address, priming attendees for the cutting-edge dialogues ahead.


Ashley St. John
Chief Content Officer, Editor in Chief
BetterWork Media Group

Courageous Conversation - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Flux: A Conversation on Priorities and Leadership

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT

Join us for a riveting conversation on the current state of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging initiatives in organizations. In the aftermath of the explosive heightened focus on DEIB during 2020-21, our experts will explore how some leaders’ priorities have shifted and the implications of this change, particularly for talent management professionals. While DEIB may have fallen in priority for some organizations, there remains a pressing need for effective leadership in this area, especially as many DEI-specific leaders have faced job cuts or transitions. Our discussion will take an in-depth look at how leaders are choosing to address the questions and implications around DEI, how efforts and communications should be incorporated into organizational culture, and where companies may be missing the mark. Join us as we examine the challenges, opportunities and complexities of DEIB in today's workplace.


  • Shifting priorities around DEIB
  • Talent leaders’ role in developing and communicating DEIB-related strategy
  • What’s next in 2024 and beyond


Christyl-Murray_Headshot_April_Moderator_Panel-2-300x300 Christyl Lucille Murray
Executive Director Human Resources, Wealth Management Client Segments
Morgan Stanley

Untitled design (1)Frank Gonzalez
Director of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Yum! Brands

Talent Sprint - Learning Our Way Through It: Experimenting with AI and Emerging Tech

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT

In this Talent Sprint, we’ll dive into the transformative impact of AI and emerging technologies on talent management — and how talent leaders are learning as they go. Discover how these cutting-edge advancements are reshaping traditional practices and revolutionizing the way we approach talent acquisition, development, retention and more. From AI-driven recruitment tools to predictive analytics for talent forecasting, learn how technology can be used to streamline processes, enhance decision-making and drive efficiencies across the talent management spectrum. During these back-to-back, TED-talk style, 20-minute presentations, we’ll explore practical insights to leverage AI and emerging tech effectively, empowering you to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of talent management, optimizing your efforts and driving organizational success in the digital age.

During these back-to-back, TED-talk-style, 20-minute presentations, we'll learn how to cultivate a culture of adaptability and build a workforce equipped to thrive amid ongoing transformation.


  • How AI is reshaping traditional practices and revolutionizing the way we approach talent acquisition, development, retention, etc.
  • Tips for leveraging AI and emerging tech from leaders who are experimenting and iterating.
  • How talent leaders are tackling the unknown and learning from successes and setbacks.

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM CDT - FASTtalk: The Nexus of People and Technology in The Future of Work

Is your company and talent strategy ready? Researchers espouse that by 2030, advancing technologies like automation and artificial intelligence will displace over one hundred million people globally. As traditional roles fundamentally change or are rendered obsolete, new roles will emerge with greater emphasis on human-centered power skills as people and technology work together to achieve business outcomes.

In this talk, we will explore how the future of work trends are changing the talent landscape and the strategic imperatives needed to effectuate a future-ready workforce.


Adri_Headshot Dr. Adri Maisonet Morales, EdD, MBA, MSOP, PMP
Vice President, Talent Management
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina


11:20 AM - 11:40 AM CDT - FASTtalk: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Accelerate Your Career

Join Cole Bastian, senior director of learning and culture at HOA Brands and co-founder of ABCDEs of Learning, for an engaging and insightful session to transform how you view and use artificial intelligence professionally. With more than 13 years of experience in the learning, coaching and behavioral science fields and a master's in industrial organizational psychology, Cole brings a wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience in integrating AI into the talent and learning space.

In this session, Cole will guide you through the emotional landscape of adopting AI, addressing the common fears and hesitations that often accompany introducing new technologies. Through the lens of the FAC Model — feasibility, appeal and change — you'll learn how to reframe your perspective on AI and focus on its potential to enhance, rather than disrupt, your role. One key takeaway from this session is the innovative concept of "AI interns." Cole will show you how to delegate mundane, repetitive tasks to AI, freeing your time for more strategic, creative work. You'll discover practical examples of AI applications in the workplace, from data analysis and interview scheduling to content creation and talent recruitment.

But this session isn’t just theoretical. You'll dive into compelling statistics highlighting AI's impact on productivity — like how automating repetitive tasks can save you 30 percent of your time and how AI could boost productivity by up to 40 percent in specific industries. Cole will also address the concern of AI replacing jobs, providing insights into how AI is more likely to evolve job responsibilities rather than eliminate them.

By the end of the session, you’ll leave with a tangible action plan. Cole will guide you through a practical exercise to identify one task in your daily routine that can be automated using AI, helping you reclaim valuable time and focus on higher-value activities.

This session is designed to empower you to embrace AI not as a threat but as a powerful tool to drive your career forward. Whether you're an AI novice or already experimenting with AI tools, you'll gain actionable insights and strategies to harness AI effectively in your work. Don’t miss this opportunity to reshape your approach to AI and unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation in your professional life.


Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 2.26.54 PM Cole Bastian
   Sr. Director, Learning & Culture
   HOA Brands


11:40 AM - 12:00 PM CDT - FASTtalk


Rasmussen_Head_Shot Michelle Rasmussen
Corporate Director Human Resources
Miller Integrated Solutions

Talent Sprint - Roundtable Discussion

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM CDT

All FASTtalk presenters will convene on stage for an insightful roundtable discussion, offering a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing perspectives and engaging in thoughtful discourse. Through this collaborative dialogue, they'll inspire, inform and provoke meaningful reflection among the audience, fostering a deeper understanding of the session topic, Learning Our Way Through It: Experimenting with AI and Emerging Tech.


Adri_Headshot Dr. Adri Maisonet Morales, EdD, MBA, MSOP, PMP
Vice President, Talent Management
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina


Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 2.26.54 PM Cole Bastian
   Sr. Director, Learning & Culture
   HOA Brands


Rasmussen_Head_Shot Michelle Rasmussen
Corporate Director Human Resources
Miller Integrated Solutions

Keynote Address - Leveraging Positive Psychology Tools to Build Individual & Team Resilience

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM CDT

Leading change and rethinking traditional approaches to talent management in today’s VUCA world requires tremendous effort, creativity and agility. Over time, this work can be overwhelming and may even put talent leaders at serious risk of burnout. In this session, we will discuss how talent leaders can leverage positive psychology tools to help them withstand the pressures of the role and prepare themselves for long, successful and rewarding careers in the talent space. Drawing on current research, including a newly developed, five-pronged leadership model, participants will learn how to drive individual and team success by ensuring psychologically safe spaces where all team members will learn together, embrace mistakes as learning opportunities, stay engaged and perform at the highest level.


Dr. Milana L. Hogan
Chief Talent Officer
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP


Meet The Speakers

Adam Headshot

Adam Hopewell
Global Head of HR & Talent

Ashley St. John Headshot

Ashley St. John
Chief Content Officer, Editor in Chief
BetterWork Media Group

Dr. Adri Maisonet Morales, EdD, MBA, MSOP, PMP

Dr. Adri Maisonet Morales, EdD, MBA, MSOP, PMP
Vice President, Talent Management
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina

Chris Harrington headshot

Chris Harrington
SVP, Customer Success
Randstad RiseSmart


Christyl Lucille Murray
Executive Director Human Resources, Wealth Management Client Segments
Morgan Stanley

Frank Gonzalez

Frank Gonzalez
Director of Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Yum! Brands

Haley Harbaugh

Haley Harbaugh
Director, Learning and Education
Bloom Healthcare

Dr. Kylie Ensrud, Ed.D, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CPCO

Dr. Kylie Ensrud, Ed.D, SPHR
Chief People Officer

Jason Weber, Ed.D.

Jason Weber, Ed.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor
Texas Tech University System

Loren Blandon headshot

Loren Blandon
Global Head of Organizational Development

Michelle Rasmussen Corporate Director Human Resources

Michelle Rasmussen
Corporate Director Human Resources
Miller Integrated Solutions

Dr. Milana L. Hogan

Dr. Milana L. Hogan
Chief Talent Officer
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP


Interested in Speaking?

Who We're Looking for:
If you possess a wealth of expertise within the talent management community, Chief Talent Officer is keen to engage with you!

Our ideal speakers are executive-level talent practitioners who have firsthand insights into our sessions and their topics below. You must be an internal-facing practitioner from an organization that does not provide talent or learning solutions in order to be considered.

Internal-facing Practitioner Defined:
Internal-facing talent practitioner — An individual currently in a leadership role, responsible for designing, developing and executing internal talent management programs or spearheading organizational culture initiatives at an organization that does not offer talent or learning solutions.

If the definition above does not accurately describe your role, you most likely will fall into the category of a solution provider or consultant/coach in the talent management community. Solution providers, consultants and coaches may learn more about CTO Summit sponsorship and presentation opportunities here.

Submitting Your Speaker Application:
Please complete the form below to apply as a 2024 CTO Summit speaker. You must be an internal-facing practitioner to be considered. If you are unsure if you qualify as an internal-facing practitioner, please review the definitions above on this page.

Once you submit, we will review your application for consideration. If we think you are the right fit for the 2024 CTO Summit, we will follow up via email to set up a call to discuss your speaking proposal.

We look forward to engaging with you!


Thank You to Our Sponsors!

RandstadRisesmart_Vertical_Blue (1)


Sponsor the 2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit

Sponsorship Includes:

  • Enhanced Visibility
  • Structured Networking Opportunities
  • Thought Leadership
  • Brand Recognition
  • Access to Insights

Interested in sponsoring the 2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit? Inquire below. 

2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit Sponsorship

Frequently Asked Questions 

Who should attend the Chief Talent Officer Summit?

For complete details on the terms that apply to registration and other important disclaimers, please read through the following:

Registration Policy

Registration for Chief Talent Officer events is restricted to internal talent management and HR practitioners and a limited number of sponsors with clearly defined roles. This policy is in place to ensure that every live Chief Talent Officer event offers a respectful, relaxed environment where active professionals can network, learn from one another and have frank discussions about what is happening in their industry, organizations and careers. All registrations are subject to review. If it is determined that the registrant does not qualify, the registration will be canceled and a refund issued to the card supplied.

Simple Litmus Test

My primary responsibility is for the development of my company’s internal workforce = QUALIFIED

I work primarily with organizations other than my own to support their workforce development = NOT QUALIFIED

All vendors, consultants and suppliers interested in participating should visit our sponsorship page to request more information.

How large is the Chief Talent Officer Summit?

The Chief Talent Officer Summit attracts hundreds of registrants. This virtual setting allows for fruitful conversations and interaction.

Will there be networking opportunities?

Yes! Networking seamlessly integrates into each day's agenda via the virtual platform.

How can I become a sponsor?

For sponsorship inquiries please complete the form here

Who can I contact for further inquiries or assistance?

Contact for any questions.

Is there a cost to attend?

Yes there is a cost to attend. 

Save $500 with The Introductory Rate - $195

Members Save!

Current CXO+ Members: The attendance fee for this event is included in your membership fee. Registration is complimentary.

Not a member yet? Bundle pricing on an annual membership and registration for this event are available. Learn more here.

Where is the 2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit hosted?

The 2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit is a virtual event taking place Sept. 10 - 11, 2024. 

Can I speak at the 2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit?

Who We're Looking for:

If you possess a wealth of expertise within the talent management community, Chief Talent Officer is keen to engage with you!

Our ideal speakers are executive-level talent practitioners who have firsthand insights into our sessions and their topics below. You must be an internal-facing practitioner from an organization that does not provide talent or learning solutions in order to be considered.

Internal-facing Practitioner Defined:
Internal-facing talent practitioner — An individual currently in a leadership role, responsible for designing, developing and executing internal talent management programs or spearheading organizational culture initiatives at an organization that does not offer talent or learning solutions.

If the definition above does not accurately describe your role, you most likely will fall into the category of a solution provider or consultant/coach in the talent management community. Solution providers, consultants and coaches may learn more about CTO Summit sponsorship and presentation opportunities here.

Submitting Your Speaker Application:
Please complete the form below to apply as a 2024 CTO Summit speaker. You must be an internal-facing practitioner to be considered. If you are unsure if you qualify as an internal-facing practitioner, please review the definitions above on this page.

Once you submit, we will review your application for consideration. If we think you are the right fit for the 2024 CTO Summit, we will follow up via email to set up a call to discuss your speaking proposal.

Submit your application here

When is the 2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit?

The 2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit will be held Sept. 10 - 11, 2024. 

Who owns the Chief Talent Officer Summit?

The Chief Talent Officer Summit is owned by Chief Talent Officer, a publication of BetterWork Media Group

Chief Talent Officer, formerly known as Talent Management.

Contact Us


Above you will find a robust FAQ to help address questions about the 2024 Chief Talent Officer Summit.

If you are unable to find the answer to your question, please send us an email at: